Monday, March 31, 2014

some more pendents

Hello once again readers, I have been sick for the last couple days so I had time to build...
This new pendent. This can be bought at stop-and-shop geeky-props it is based on the void walker symbol from Ion's echo. A thrilling new sifi book with epic action and great twists in the plot. Now for my weekly 3D fact; did you know 3D printing has on multiple occasions saved peoples lives and replaced bones in others! I am so happy that the weather here is finally warming up it has been so cold the last few weeks.
Oh ya, I meant to talk about another pendent I built rather recently
this one is styled after the logo of the video game Half life. I know that I have not said much interesting stuff this post and for that I am sorry. so, farewell and God bless you.

Friday, March 28, 2014

a little random post

After three hours and about thirty minutes my seven year old sister, twenty-five year old brother, my nine year old brother, and my thirteen year old brother finally finished their game of Risk.
This week has been so busy I haven't hardly had a chance to work on my letter opener for stop-and-shop geeky-props. All week I have been helping my siblings move mountains of furniture and other such stuff. BIG NEWS, at least that is what I wish I had, but I don't so I will try to keep my blog interesting. TO keep this interesting I could talk about; "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything"

we are the pirates who don't do anything
we just stay at home, and lie around
and if you ask us, to do anything
we'll just tell you, we don't do anything

well I've never been to Greenland
and I've never been to Denver
and I've never buried treasure in ST Louie or ST Paul
and I've never been to Moscow
and I've never been to Tampa
and I've never been to Boston in the fall

we are the pirates who don't do anything
we just stay at home, and lie around
and if you ask us, to do anything
we'll just tell you, we don't do anything

and I've never hoist the main sail
and I've never swabbed the poop deck
and I've never veered starboard, cause I've never sailed at all
and I've never walked the gang plank
and I've never owned a parrot.
and I've never been to Boston in the fall

we are the pirates who don't do anything
we just stay at home, and lie around
and if you ask us, to do anything
we'll just tell you, we don't do anything

I've never plucked a rooster
and I am not too good at ping-pong
and I've never thrown my mashed potatoes up against the wall
and I've never kissed a chipmunk,
and I've never gotten head lice
and I have never been to Boston in the fall

(pirate captains log 2002
who be this band relient k
and why they be so full of contradictions)

we don't know what he did
but we're down with captain kidd
we don't wake up before lunch
but we all eat captain crunch
we don't smoke, we don't chew
we watch captain kangaroo

and I've never licked a spark-plug
and I've never sniffed a stink bug
and I've never painted Daisies on a big red rubber ball
and I've never bathed in yogurt
and I don't look good in leggings
and I've never been to Boston in the fall

we are the pirates who don't do anything
we just stay at home, and lie around
and if you ask us, to do anything
we'll just tell you, we don't do anything

we are the pirates who don't do anything
we just stay at home, and lie around
and if you ask us, to do anything
we'll just tell you, we don't do anything

That was from Veggietales. I guess I'am just a wierdy but I love Veggietales....but definitely the old ones more then the new ones. Also, my older brother who wrote Ion's echo has started writing a brilliant sequel, I can hardly wait until it is finished. Actually I do have some big news my sisters is getting close to having her twins~ SO EXCITED!! Also any money I make on shapeways before the 15th of May I will be giving to two of my sisters so they can go on their trip to Africa.

So come buy stuff for the sake of my sisters trip. Now before I am done with this post I thought that maybe you guys would like see some old  pics of me. 
                                                                    First, me doing school.
                                                                     me and my sis:
                                and this is me, two of my sisters, and one of my younger brothers:
Well I guess that is all I have to say today so, farewell until next week,

Monday, March 24, 2014

A Small Post ( and a Spiderman pendant )

Hello again, I was thinking about learning a new language and was hoping that maybe I could get some suggestions. Also I would like to once again ask for product ideas for my shop Stop-and-shop Geeky-props. Now since it is a new week here is another fact; did you know the first working 3D printer was invented by a man named Chuck Hall in 1984.
 I have here a little something I would like to announce...
A NEW SPIDERMAN PENDANT!!! available in pink, red, and black.
I made this pendant in honer of the release of "The Amazing Spiderman 2'' on May, 2nd. The pendant can be bought at my shapeways shop . Could you believe that three of my siblings, an in-law, and my niece, all had birthdays in the last two weeks! In closing I would like to mention that the first letter opener should be completed in about two more weeks. Thank you for reading my blog and until next time farewell.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Another post

''Ollo'' it's me again, Nathanael. I just came on to say what I've been doing. Today I spent three hours fixing a washer, then I made a batch of whole wheat bread.

 By the way, Bilbo's sword ( Sting ) is coming along beautifully and looking great. Since I last posted I was able to throw together a new pendant. My new pendant is based off of the SiFi movie '' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy ''. Here is a pic of it.
It's not much of a picture but so far it is all I have. I also made a pendant of Marvin's head, but it will be a while until it is able to be bought at Stop-and-shop Geeky-props. If any one has any ideas for new products, feel free to comment on my ideas page. Here is a meme I threw together the other day:
Tell me what you think. Personally I don't care for it much but I thought I would go ahead and post it. I have started teaching my younger brother the very basics of the cello. It is kind of fun to teach every now and then. Just as a point of interest, I actually learned to play cello at the Play and Sing His Praises Home School orchestra, as did my eight older siblings. This is a shorter then normal post but for now, far faren all.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

''I have returned'' ( and a cool Divergent ring)

''I have returned'' and do you know what?
SNOW !! AGAIN !! IN MARCH !! snow is great and all , but I am getting kind of tired of it. Oh yea, I drew this little something... 
It is my interpretation of the void walker symbol in the book Ion's echo written by J. Mathew who in fact is my oldest brother .  Ions echo is truly a great book . I don't just say that because he is my brother but because it is what I really think . Now that I have talked some I would like to announce a product in the making. Lord of the Rings letter openers... based on some of the well known swords. Starting with Bilbo's sword, Sting. After each sword is complete, I will tell you which one is next on my list. Speaking of products, I have a fairly new Divergent ring that I designed that is now in my shop:

The three symbols are based on the book and soon-to-be-movie, Divergent. If you want a ring in a different size you can ether comment below or comment on the product in my  geeky-props  shapeways shop. I would like to show you were I do all my products!
''Pretty dang exciting, eh?'' Now, for the 3D factiod of the month; Did you know there are over 133,000 products on shapeways?! Well, until next time, ''So long, and thanks for all the fish''.

Friday, March 14, 2014

a little bit of me and geeky-props

I think I should begin my blog by telling a little bit about myself and my shop(stop-and-shop geeky-props).  First off, I will tell about me. I am sixteen, I was born on February 27,1998 in Missouri.  I was saved from my sin in June 2004, and am the ninth born in my family of fourteen children. I like Legos, blue, cello ( I play it), classical music, hard work, 3D modeling, and family. How I look, I won't try to explain.  I will simply show you few pictures:
                                                                So... me :-[)
Practicing my cello
One last photo for my ego. 
Enough about me (for now). I would like to say a little something of my''geeky-props'' shop, but just a little.
My shop is simply my 3D creations that are able to be bought. How cool is that?!   It's all 3D printed on   Sorry about this post being so short, but don't worry  ''I'll BE BACK!''