Wednesday, April 1, 2015

a thought? how did that happen?

I had a thought, ( surprisingly enough ) so here it goes.

I'm a graphic design artist ( at least that's what I like to think ). My job is to be creative and to come up with "new" cool designs for stuff. But, the Bible says "There is nothing new under the sun". Is that true? of course it is! So, you can never be truly creative? No, you CAN be creative. Being creative is not coming up with something that has never been done, it's taking something and making it "new" and fresh, and making it so people can see it in a new light! combine old things and make it a different then normal design! If someone somewhere has done something like it, the creative part is building it yourself from your own mind in your own way!

This was my thought, ( even if someone else has said the same thing before ) Thanks for reading!
